AdSense Pros and Cons

Photo Credit: On Pexels. CC0 License You have that site on-line for quite a while, its generating a good number of hits every day and you’re thinking whether or not to use AdSense advertising on it to make it generate some form of income. Well this is a description of the pros and cons of this approach to Internet advertising. AdSense has definitely hit the Internet like something from…


Making Your Customers Feel Special

Photo credit: by bruce mars on Pexels. CC0 license. The idea of marketing to a specialized niche of very active customers and then using that base to recruit in a viral way is new to the internet but one that goes way back in the non-internet world of marketing.  It is well known that if you create an elite group of dedicated customers, they will become a recruitment army…


5 Surefire Tips for Effective Email Marketing

Over the past few years, research has continued to prove the benefits of e-mail marketing for business: low costs, high conversion rates and detailed tracking are all notable features. But e-mail marketing is becoming much more than just a tool for spammers and e-businesses. Consumers are becoming increasingly savvy on the differences between spam and permission-based emails, and more and more of them are accepting permission-based e-mail marketing as…


What Makes a Successful E-Commerce Website

  There are many ways to create a successful E-Commerce but there are four crucial points that you should keep in mind while launching your website. Website Your website is like your showroom, airy and attractive. When online, the equivalent of a showroom is an uncluttered website where the eyes can move freely up and down finding the details they need without much effort. It is extremely important that the…


Websites for Small Businesses

In first World countries the Internet is now a huge part of our everyday life. We use it at work and we use it at home. It is all around us. A person from a First World country would be in a minority if they said they had not paid for anything across the Internet or bought a product or service online through an eCommerce store. In a August,…
