Photo Credit: By Jopwell On Pexels. CC0 License

Fifteen seconds? In direct response marketing, the headline is often considered the most important component of any marketing piece.

That’s because it’s the first thing that people read. It’s your first and sometimes only chance to capture your reader’s attention because we only have Fifteen seconds.

People who read your headline should instantly be able to tell exactly what your content is about. It should hammer home the benefit and get them excited to learn more.

==> Using Graphics

Most people’s eyes will gravitate to any graphics on the page before they even read any text.

Using graphics to convey a benefit can be an incredibly powerful tactic. For example, if you’re writing about how to earn money by being a consultant, holding up a picture of your first big consulting check can convey the “what’s in it for me” answer much more powerfully than words ever could.

Make sure you also take advantage of the space right beneath an image. Research has shown that captions underneath images are some of the most-read parts of any website.

==> Using the Opening Paragraph Wisely

Finally, spend a lot of time on your opening paragraph. If your opening paragraph doesn’t quickly convey the benefits of reading your content, you’re probably going to lose your reader. Even if you’re writing a five-page 5,000-word article, your time would be well spent if you spent 20% of it on your first paragraph.

The first paragraph should start out with a strong “hook” sentence. Then the next 3-4 sentences should explain exactly what they’ll get from reading the rest of your article.

If you combine all these techniques, you’ll be able to convey to your readers exactly what they’ll get from reading your content in fifteen seconds or less. This will increase your readership, bring back more returning visitors and ultimately bring you more sales.