Facebook Ads

What You Need to Know Before You Start Facebook Ads for Small Businesses

Photo by Tobias Dziuba On Pexels License CC0 You’ve most likely heard that Facebook Ads are terrific for small company marketing. As you search for brand-new methods to market your little business, you’ve most likely encountered specialists, marketing experts, and material arguing that Facebook ads are a must-have for your marketing project. If you invest a lot of time on Facebook, you may have even been served some Facebook…


What you need from a web host

Photo by @thicha via Twenty20 If you’re like most people, you know very little about the web host. If you have a website, you know a bit more than most people, but the truth is that choosing a web host can seem a bit strange. Luckily, this article has a number of smart tips about web hosting to make your hosting decisions easier. Do not choose a web host…


Tips to Maximize Your Pinterest Marketing

Photo by @MusingsOfAmber via Twenty20 Pinterest is it good marketing? Are you looking to get more pins and repins? Do you want more traffic? Do you want to see your pins pinned more often? Here are some excellent tips to help you maximize your Pinterest marketing. #1 Make Sure You Include the Pin It Button Take advantage of Pinterest’s free widget to add a ‘Pin It’ button to your…


How to Succeed in Marketing on Twitter

Photo Credit: By  rawpixel.com On Pexels. CC0 License Are you using Twitter for your business? Are you struggling and hoping to get more out of your Twitter marketing? You’ve landed in the right place. Find out how to succeed in marketing on Twitter. There are three things you will find behind the success of every Twitter marketing campaign. 1. A targeted audience 2. Solid content 3. Authenticity Make sure that…


Getting PR Attention is Easier Than You Think

PR Attention? Online marketers tend to ignore the traditional press. They’ll get exposure on social networking sites, social bookmarking sites and try to get their content written up about by other people’s blogs. But by and large, they don’t contact the offline world. Yet getting exposure in the offline world isn’t any more difficult than the online world. The difference is when you get exposure offline, the traffic is…
