Google Ads

How does Google Ads determine your cost per click?

Photo by On Pexels License CC0 The fantastic part about Google Ads is that while it works like an auction, the winners aren’t selected based upon quote alone, and you do not necessarily pay your optimum quote. How is this possible? Let’s take a quick rundown of how Google Ads identifies the winners and what they pay per click. Action # 1: Quality Score When someone searches on…


AdSense Pros and Cons

Photo Credit: On Pexels. CC0 License You have that site on-line for quite a while, its generating a good number of hits every day and you’re thinking whether or not to use AdSense advertising on it to make it generate some form of income. Well this is a description of the pros and cons of this approach to Internet advertising. AdSense has definitely hit the Internet like something from…
