Managing Your Personal Finances Could Help You Live Better

Photo by @mikeygl on Twenty20 Take control of your finances. It is essential for its future, that is clear. However, how is that control achieved? Many people have more questions about managing their money – you might even be one of them. That is why we invite you to read and take into account the following tips, to achieve financial independence: Generally, it begins by cutting unnecessary expenses, and using…


Pros and cons of Flash-based sites

Photo by @lukasnorth on Twenty20 Flash-based sites have been insane for the past few years, and as Macromedia compiles more and more great features into Flash, we can only predict that there will be more and more flash sites on the Internet. However, Flash-based sites have been criticized for being bloated and unnecessary. Where exactly do we draw the line? Here is a simple breakdown. The good: Interactivity Flash ActionScript opens…


What about organic ads on Facebook that don’t have as much reach anymore?

Photo by @Fancycrave  on Twenty20 If you are a specialist in Digital Marketing you will have noticed that your organic posts on Facebook have lowered their reach and perhaps you have been a little frustrated with these results since years ago they worked very well for you. Facebook has limited the organic reach due to the fact that the advertising content has increased notably since 2014 overcrowding the network.…


What is cPanel ?

Photo by @Zozulinskyi on Twenty20 cPanel is one of the most popular Linux-based control panels for web hosting accounts. It allows you to comfortably manage all services in one place. Today cPanel is the industry standard and is well known to most web developers. Intuitive and easy to use, cPanel allows you to manage a web hosting account with maximum efficiency. Either creating new FTP users and email addresses…

tik tok

How to advertise on TikTok

Photo by @dabobabo on Twenty20 In this article, you will learn how to create ads on TikTok to promote your products or services. But before we start showing you how ads are served, you should ask yourself some other questions to see if advertising on TikTok is right for your business: Is TikTok Advertising Right For My Business? With more than 500 million active users worldwide, TikTok presents a…
