How To Create a Viral Infographic

Photo Credit: On Pixabay. CC0 License In technical terms, Illustrator is vector based (lines), while Photoshop is raster based (pixels). Creating an infographic is primarily lines and text, which is much faster in Illustrator. Adding…


Do Tell a Friend Campaigns Still Work?

Photo Credit: By Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash. License. When internet marketing was still in its infancy, Tell a Friend campaigns were incredibly effective. All you had to do was put up an email box, ask people to…


Design Tips for Content Websites

Crédito Foto: Por Viktor Hanacek en PicJumbo. Licencia Having great design on a content website will play an important part in your user’s overall experience. Good design can increase trust, while poor design can decrease trust. Better designed…


Finding Your Voice as a Content Marketer

Photo Credit: By rawpixel on Unsplash. License When you read content by someone who’s found their voice, there’s a really distinct ring to it. You can tell they’re really passionate, really self-expressed and really know what they’re…