Making Your Customers Feel Special

Photo credit: by bruce mars on Pexels. CC0 license. The idea of marketing to a specialized niche of very active customers and then using that base to recruit in a viral way is new to the internet but one that goes way back in the non-internet world of marketing.  It is well known that if you create an elite group of dedicated customers, they will become a recruitment army…


What Makes a Successful E-Commerce Website

  There are many ways to create a successful E-Commerce but there are four crucial points that you should keep in mind while launching your website. Website Your website is like your showroom, airy and attractive. When online, the equivalent of a showroom is an uncluttered website where the eyes can move freely up and down finding the details they need without much effort. It is extremely important that the…


Benefits of Digital Marketing

Clearly the world of technology, digital marketing and social media is having a significant impact on how we behave socially, act as consumers and how we do business so it could be fair to say that any business that does not adapt to the new era of marketing and communications is in danger of losing out.  However, whilst I am passionate about all things digital I suggest you don’t…
